Contact Us
Room: B-Building, B-102
Phone: (718) 482-6070
Advisors, Faculty, Peer Mentors, and Students All Play Important Roles in Advising
Advising & Mentoring
No matter where you are in your educational journey or what you have planned for your future, your team of advisors can help you get there. At LaGuardia, you will have an assigned academic advisor, a faculty mentor, and student peer advisors to provide support.
- Before your first semester, you will work with an academic advisor.
- During you first semester, you will receive support from an academic advisor, a team of peers, and your First-Year Seminar (FYS) instructor.
- After your first semester, in addition to your academic advisor and peer advisors, you will be assigned a faculty mentor in your major. You will work with this team throughout the rest of your time at LaGuardia.
As you progress in your educational journey, you will have different questions. Each member of your team is an expert and we will work together to support you on your path toward graduation.
How do I register for classes?
After you have finalized your plans for next semester, use Schedule Builder in CUNYfirst to choose your schedule and register (see instructions here).
If you are having difficulties with registration or have registered but need to swap or drop a class, visit the in-person Registration Lab in C-126 or the Virtual Registration Lab Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm.
If you are a new student or have been readmitted to the college, you should meet with an academic advisor before you register.
How to Contact an Advisor or Mentor
Spring 2025 classes begin Thursday, March 6. Student Advising Services will be open for walk-in sessions on a first come, first served basis from February 24 through March 12.
Click here to learn more about Navigate, LaGuardia’s portal for scheduling advising appointments and communicating with your advisor, or download our Student Quick Start Guide
Week of February 24, drop-in hours (first come, first served):
- In-Person Drop-In: B-102
- Monday, February 24 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, February 25 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, February 26 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Thursday, February 27 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Friday, February 28 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Virtual Drop-In
Week of March 3, drop-in hours (first come, first served):
- In-Person Drop-In: B-102
- Monday, March 3 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 4 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 5 – 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Thursday, March 6 (first day of class) – 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Friday, March 7 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Virtual Drop-In
- Friday, March 7 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. via Zoom
Log into EAB Navigate to explore the New student platform. Use it to let your success team know you need assistance by using the “raise my hand” icon.
- Monday, January 6 (Fall Session II begins)
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop in (in-person only): 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Tuesday, January 7
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drop in (in-person and Zoom): 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Wednesday, January 8 (Last day to add/drop for Fall Session II)
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drop in (in-person only): 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Thursday, January 9
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Drop in (in-person and Zoom): 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Friday, January 10
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By appointment only
All other times – By appointment only
Log into EAB Navigate to schedule an appointment
How to Contact an Advisor or Mentor
The Student Advising Center is open for walk-in sessions on a first-come, first-served basis Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays:
Visit us in person (B-Building, Room B-102)
- Monday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop In (In-Person and Zoom): 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Tuesday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By appointment - Wednesday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drop In (In-Person Only): 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Thursday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Drop In (In-Person and Zoom): 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Friday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By Appointment
All other times – By appointment only
Log into EAB Navigate to schedule an appointment
How to Contact an Advisor or Mentor
The Student Advising Center is open for walk-in sessions on a first-come, first-served basis Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays:
The last day to add/drop classes for Fall 2024 is Wednesday, September 11 and Student Advising Center is seeing all students on a first-come, first-served basis until Wednesday, September 11:
Monday, September 9th to Friday, September 13th, 2024
Visit us virtually or in person (B-Building, Room B-102)
- Monday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop In (In Person Only): 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Tuesday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop In (In Person: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and (Zoom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) - Wednesday – Last Day to add a Course
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop In (In-Person Only): 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Thursday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop In (In-Person and Zoom): 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Friday
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By Appointment Only
All other times – By appointment only
Log into EAB Navigate to schedule an appointment
If you prefer to meet an advisor outside of these hours, you may schedule an appointment in My LaGuardia. Please note that Thursday and Friday sessions are available by appointment only.
Note: Last day for Appointments is June 27. My LaGuardia portal will sunset and EAB Navigate will go live July 9. Student Advising services will be available on Drop in basis starting July 1.
How to Contact an Advisor or Mentor
Don’t have an assigned academic advisor or mentor?Visit us virtually or in person Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday |
- schedule meetings with their advisors and mentors early, before registration opens, through My LaGuardia
- are respectful of others’ time: they arrive on time for appointments or, if something comes up, cancel their appointment instead of “ghosting”
- are prepared for meetings with their advisors and mentors, ask questions, and take notes
- treat their advisors, mentors, and other students the way that they would wish to be treated
- are familiar with their degree requirements and regularly review their academic process
- are ready to learn about campus policies, procedures, and resources
- are open to reflecting on their goals and educational plans and are prepared to discuss and consider other paths
- need to know what classes to take next semester
- have questions about the course repeat policies
- have questions about the credit/no credit (C/NC) grade policy
- have questions about withdrawing from a course or about a WN or WU grade
- previously faced circumstances that led you to fail a class or classes and would like to discuss the possibility of an appeal
- have been readmitted to the college after a Suspension/Dismissal
- need to understand graduation requirements and your progress
- are not sure who you should talk to
- are struggling with work for your English or Math class and need to identify your tutoring options
- would like advice about talking to your professor
- have been advised and know what courses you need but need help with planning your schedule and registering using Schedule Builder or Degree Works
- would like help with digital platforms like Blackboard, My LaGuardia, or CUNYfirst
- would like help with study skills
- would like help with time management
- have questions about student clubs or co-curricular/extracurricular events or groups
- are struggling with work for a class or classes in your major
- are facing challenges outside of school that are making it difficult for you to attend classes or complete assignments (things like financial issues, problems with childcare, computer access)
- want to discuss why a specific class was suggested by your academic advisor
- have questions about your current major or whether you should change your major
- have questions about your Milestones progress
- are ready to start preparing for transfer
- are ready to start preparing for your career
- support you as you develop your academic and career goals
- help you make academic decisions that are consistent with your interests, abilities, and goals and an academic plan to reach your goals
- recommend appropriate classes, discuss recommendations, or direct you to tools that will assist you in course selection
- refer you to appropriate campus resources
- be available for meetings and respond to communication in a timely manner
- maintain confidentiality and be helpful and respectful
Helpful Information
Help logging into My LaGuardia, CUNYfirst, or student email, visit the Student Technology Help Desk located in B127 or call 718-482-6121.
Information about Online Classes
What’s With All Those W’s?
VAX or MMR/MEN hold, contact Health Services
(ASAP students, contact ASAP.)
What classes you will take depend on your enrollment status (full-time or part-time) and your English and Math Placement.
Full-time student can mean different things: For Financial Aid, it means taking a minimum of 12 hours of coursework each semester, which is typically 4 classes. However, many students take 15-18 hours per semester so that they can graduate from LaGuardia in two years, and some programs, like ASAP and the GI Bill, require students to take more than 12 credit hours each semester.
Discuss your college goals and your other commitments (for example, work or family) with your academic and peer advisors or faculty mentor to decide what’s best for you. Part-time students take fewer classes/credit hours, so if you are a part-time student, your path to your degree will be different; meet with an advisor regularly to discuss your progress and how to best meet degree requirements.
LaGuardia’s 12/6 Calendar: LaGuardia’s academic calendar helps busy students enroll full time by offering an 18-week semester split into two sessions: a 12-week Session I (September-December or March-June) and a 6-week Session II (January-February or June-August). Students can split a full-time course load between the two sessions.
Degree Credits: With some exceptions, students complete 60 “degree credits” to earn an associate degree. Most college classes are 3 credits and meet for 3-4 hours each week, but students may also take classes that meet for up to 7 hours a week, especially in the first semester (these classes that meet for additional hours will count toward full-time status for Financial Aid). Your academic advisor can help you be sure that you’re enrolled full-time.
Placement and Developmental Support in English and Math Classes
Part of the new student registration process is class placement—the level of English Composition and Math you will take in your first semester. Placement is based on things like high school GPA and standardized test scores like Regents or SAT and determines whether you might benefit from additional support in college-level English or Math.
Many students are placed into English and Math classes with additional support. These are college-level classes where you earn college credit while building foundational skills. These classes meet for additional time each week and provide extra support. If you’re placed into one of these classes, you can’t “opt out” of taking a section with extra support.
If you are a student in the CUNY Start program or ESL classes (or CLIP, the CUNY Language Immersion Program), your progress will be different. CUNY Start students enroll in CUNY Start English and Math classes during their first semester. ESL students take a sequence of classes to prepare them for college-level English classes. Your advisors will help you stay on track in these programs.
Core Classes and Degree Requirements: No matter your major, every student at LaGuardia (and in CUNY) completes four Pathways Required Core classes: 2 English classes, 1 Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning class, and 1 Life & Physical Sciences class. These are the foundation of your work at LaGuardia. You should start taking these classes in your first semester, beginning with English and Math.
Many other courses at LaGuardia require that you take these core classes first as “pre-requisites” before registering for courses in your major. Here’s more about these courses:
- Your first English class is Composition I (ENG/ENA101), which provides the foundational skills in reading, writing, and research that you will use and build on in future classes and in your professional life. Whether you’re coming to LaGuardia directly from high school or returning after a break, this class prepares you for the writing expected of you in other courses. Composition I will make you a more confident writer by equipping you with the tools to write college-level essays and teaching you how to make the writing process work for you in any writing task
- The Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning requirement can be met through many different math courses. Students in some majors are required to take a specific kind of math while others may have a choice, in which case you will want to consider your transfer and career goals. The information in the next drop down can help you make an informed decision in consultation with your academic advisor.
In addition to the Required Common Core classes, every LaGuardia degree has its own curriculum, which includes a major-specific First-Year Seminar (FYS) plus a class that meets an Urban Studies requirement and a major-specific Capstone class. Take your FYS in your first semester to gain the benefits of this introduction to your major and LaGuardia’s advising and mentoring. the FYS provides you with support as you learn how to build your academic plan and use key digital tools like ePortfolio and My LaGuardia. You will be connected with co-curricular opportunities and work with a Student Success Mentor throughout the semester.
Degree Maps: Every curriculum has a Degree Map that not only lists the classes that you will take to earn your associate degree but also suggests how you should sequence the classes. These maps are guides, and your own journey may not follow the exact same path, but meeting regularly with your academic advisor and faculty mentor will help you stay on track.
After Your First Semester (Session II or the Next Semester)
The second required English class depends on your major: most students take Writing through Literature (ENG102), although some majors require Technical Writing (ENG259). Talk to your academic advisor or faculty mentor if you have questions about meeting this requirement.
You may also have a choice about which Life & Physical Sciences class to take, most likely in your second semester. Due to the selection available to different majors, this is a choice you should make in consultation with your academic advisor or faculty mentor.
If you were not able to enroll in the FYS for your major in your first semester, you should prioritize taking that class in Session II or the next semester.
Finally, as a CUNY student, you will take several courses in the CUNY Pathways Flexible Core, which encompasses a range of academic disciplines. You can learn more about this from your academic advisor or faculty mentor, in your FYS course, or by viewing your Degree Map online.
Even if you are not sure where your education is heading, your understanding of mathematics will be an important factor in determining future career and transfer options. There are four math “tracks” that satisfy (or are prerequisites for) the math requirements for LaGuardia students. Your math track will be determined by your major, transfer and career plans, and interests.
The following questions will help you choose:
- What does your major require? Check your program’s info to find out.
- What is recommended for you? Research the math requirements for careers you are interested in and programs where you might transfer. Talk to an advisor, a faculty mentor, your FYS instructor, or a peer advisor about which math track will be most beneficial to you.
- What are your interests? Review the track descriptions for recommendations.
Liberal Arts Track:
Moderate Math Preparation
Recommended for students who are interested in learning about a variety of applications of mathematics to disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Statistics Track:
Stronger Math Preparation
Recommended for students who need or want to know more about data analysis and presentations of data, whether for a future career or as a global citizen.
Algebra Track:
Strongest Math Preparation
Recommended for students who will be taking more advanced math classes, such as calculus, and for students who enjoy or want to learn about calculational mathematics.
Medical Dosages Track:
Required for Practical Nursing Certificate and Veterinary Technology majors.
We are excited that you’ve chosen LaGuardia Community College. This is the place where you can dare to do more, push boundaries and write your own future. At LaGuardia, we care about your success and we are working hard to make sure you have the best College experience. Welcome to LaGuardia!
If you are transferring into LaGuardia, they will evaluate the credits you have earned. If you are transferring from LaGuardia to a four-year college, they will support you throughout the process to help ensure your success. Learn more.
Advisors can provide you with information and resources to make informed decisions about the transfer process.
Graduation To obtain a degree or certificate from LaGuardia Community College, students must apply for Intent to Graduate in their final 12-week session to have their records reviewed. If all requirements are not met by the end of the final session of attendance, the student must reapply for graduation in order to be considered for the subsequent semester.
At LaGuardia, a minimum 2.00 GPA is required for graduation, as well as passing the required basic skills tests and major requirements. Please review the following:
- Students can review their progress towards graduation anytime at via DegreeWorks.
- All students must register for “Intent to Graduate” in order to have their records reviewed. This should be done when registering for their final 12-week session.
- Register for GRD000 on CUNYfirst before the Intent to Graduate deadline posted in the Academic Calendar.
- If you need assistance, or the deadline has passed, please contact (be sure to include your EMPLID).
- Adding GRD000 before the Intent to Graduate deadline ensures your name will appear in the commencement program.
- A graduate whose cumulative GPA is between 3.50 and 3.89 shall be graduated with honors. The term “with honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript.
- A graduate whose cumulative GPA is 3.90 or better shall be graduated with high honors. The term “with high honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript.
- Students wishing to appeal graduation requirements may submit a written appeal to the Academic Standing Committee.
Note: If the Registrar’s Office determines that you have met the requirements for graduation, you may not continue taking courses at LaGuardia unless you have filed a second degree, certificate or a non-degree application.
LaGuardia offers various special programs for incoming students like you to broaden your educational experience, sharpen your academic skills, and provide additional academic/ personal support to ensure that you make it to graduation. This is the perfect time to explore your options. Check out the Special Programs page to see which one is the right fit for you.
The primary mission of the Academic ESL Program is to provide language instruction and support to students whose first language is not English so that they can succeed in accomplishing their educational goals at LaGuardia Community College. The Program has as its primary aim the teaching of academic writing and integrating into this instruction the other language skills of reading, listening, and speaking. Please email for additional information.
Graduate in Two Years, Avoid Debt and Save Money! LaGuardia’s unique semesters, which consist of a 12-week session + a 6-week session, will help you ease your workload. You have four great options* for taking 30 credits per year.
DegreeWorks is a web-based program that enables you to easily track your academic progress. You will be able to see how specific College requirements have been met and what courses you can take to fulfill the requirements which are remaining. With the click of a tab (the ‘What If’ feature), you will also be able to see how your academic requirements might change if you were to change your major. Learn more and view LaGuardia’s Degree Maps.
Students who do not meet the minimum grade point average (GPA) are placed on academic probation for the following semester. They are given one semester to achieve the minimum grade point average required as per the College’s retention policy. If during this probationary period, students make satisfactory academic progress, they will be returned to good academic standing with the College and may be eligible for financial aid. If the minimum GPA is not achieved, students may be suspended from the College. Learn more about Academic Probation.